Natural Baby Care Products

Well, I did so much research on labor and delivery and the big issues after birth, that I didn’t really think too much about baby care products. We registered for Baby Magic since it seemed to be the gentlest of all commercial brands. We used it for months on our newborn, but when he accidentally ingested a tiny bit, his continued cries let me know it was more than just “it’s not fun to drink bath water.” I read the ingredients and then started doing some research. When I learned that “glycerin” can cause mild headache, vomitting, and diarrhea or worse, that “fragrance” is a catch all term that manufacturers can use without listing specific ingredients, which often includes suspected carcinogens, I decided it was time to look for something else to wash my son’s body. I found the following pdf very helpful in deciding what to use. In the end, we decided on California Baby. Come to find out, most Target stores sell it as well as Whole Foods Market and other natural and organic grocery stores. Amazon carries a starter tote with CB’s entire hair collection, bubble bath, diaper cream, and skin and sun care products for $23. The bottles are 2 oz. sizes, so they’ll suitable as a carry-on when you’re traveling. If you decide you like CB, the company also makes a large pump bottle (17.5 oz.), which is cheaper per ounce than their smaller bottles. Best wishes finding something fragrance free and safe for your baby!

1 Comment »

  1. Jenny said

    There is a nice wellness company that offers some great products. Everything from vitamins to soaps. You have to create a membership, similar to Costco, to purchase the products. I have not signed up, but I purchase them through my neighbor. I have purchased the vita-bears for my daughter, the handsoaps, and the Sol-U-Guard cleaning product. I really like all the products that I have used. Check them out if you are on the market for natural, healthy products.

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